This is a completely self-contained, modern, reliable machine, which even handles all the waste powder and dust safely. It can run 24 hours a day. It has a modern high-speed spindle, as well as an automatic 16-tool tool changer, and we have remote monitoring of the machine as well as computer controls from external stations.
It can also keep up with over 500 machines a year in terms of the finished composite part trimming, all of the glazing trimming, and other operations to make our finished composite structures the most accurate they can possibly be.
We can now make patterns and moulds faster, more precisely and more reliably than before - this gives us huge advantages. The quality of the flowing A surfaces, to give you that silky feel of the external contours of HX50, will be absolutely perfect, needing the absolute minimum of hand finishing.
This means low cost composite materials in through the front door, high quality precision aerospace patterns and moulds made in-house, production-ready at PC1.
Material flow around the factory
When the finished patterns and moulds come off the gantry mill they go to the trim shop and then the laminating shop, a clean room environment that eliminates all the dust to produce high-quality laminated components. They then go across to the other side of the factory to be cured in the oven, and then back into the trim shop and over to paint to receive their finish.
Our custom-designed paint booth is ready to meet the challenges of delivering world-class finishes on all our production aircraft.
The fibrous nature of the internals of the structure and the resin makes it difficult to create panels with a perfect glass-like paint finish. Our purpose is therefore to develop all the elements of the surface preparation and paint application and finishing processes to a top-grade standard.
We have also built a temperature-controlled mezzanine floor which is twice the size of all of DC1. It’s huge. Here will be located our avionic shop, wiring shop, upholstery and trim section, and all the facilities we need to make the crash-worthy glazing and acrylic components for HX50.
Our suite of state-of-the-art CNC machines are now happily installed in the new precision machine shop - all services are connected and all machines back online.