Airframe Development Progress
Fuselage Six (wheels) and Fuselage Seven (skids) are nearing completion and are benefiting from test enhancements. For example, the slight variation in the upward view angle of the fuselage observed in the human factors testing was modified for brow line development.
Hill's approach of designing in parallel with development is paying off.
A remarkable amount has been achieved with the doors, tooling approaches, and laminating processes, which have all been tested, resulting in an elegant automotive fit and finish.
Additionally, optically perfect glazing has been produced in house for the impact resistant windows.
“I spend most of my life dealing with the minutiae of tiny little details .... and every once in a while something happens out here on the shop floor and it makes you realise, we’re getting there ... and one of those moments was when we first got to put the first glazed panels in.” - Jason Hill
Tail Boom
Another major achievement has been getting the first two structurally representative tail booms built – with a full set of production tools completed and a greatly improved surface finish making it easier to paint. And it’s amazingly light – currently 15 kg.